taken at the occasion of the Project
Media Tour/Press Conference on the Mamman Vatsa Writers’ Village ,Mpape, Abuja on
Saturday 5TH October,2019.

Monday, 7 October 2019
Address by the President of the Association of Nigerian Authors(ANA),MALLAM DenjA Abdullahi, on the occasion of the Project Media Tour/Press Conference on the Mamman Vatsa Writers’ Village
Sometime in 1985, the
then Minister of the Federal Capital Territory, Major General Mamman Jiya
Vatsa, himself a passionate poet and nationalist, led the founding fathers and
members of the Association to this same precinct to engage in what was tagged
“the commissioning of the writers village in Abuja.” Vatsa was a great visionary of the Federal
Capital Territory and wanted a pride of place for writers in what he envisioned
Abuja would eventually become. Therefore, he donated or awarded 60.9 hectares
of prime land close to the center of the City to a community of writers to
which he was a proud member. We all knew what happened to Vatsa barely a week
after he led writers here.
Since that period of
Vatsa’s leap of faith till now, a lot has happened to the writers’ body and the
land on which we are standing on today. It has been a tale of flight away from
here, hotly pursued by maximum rulers; it has been a story of lack of capacity,
failed promises, betrayals, revocation, re-allocation, long-drawn litigations
and brazen trespasses. It will interest you to know that what we have left
today from the original 60.9 hectares is about 36.9 hectares. The story between
the first and the second figures is also a well- known one in our Association,
and if you had look around very well, you may have caught some glimpses of it.
On the 24th of
January,2013, after surviving a long-drawn four years court battle over this same land
with an erstwhile developer(Home Securities Limited), the Association did a
ground breaking ceremony and a turning of the sod, under the auspices of the
Remi Raji –led ANA and the current developer, KMVL, to signify our
determination to get things going. That was the state of affair until my
Executive Council came on stream in November 2015. My Executive Council
implemented the mandate given by the congress of the Association at the 2015
convention to constitute a land development committee. This was done at our
inaugural meeting in January 2016 in Abuja where we also asked the present
developer to present a brief on the prevailing status of developments on the
land. The ANA Land committee also met later that year with the developer and
initiated a monitoring system to fast track developments on the land. All these
initial activities of the Executive Council and the land development committee
culminated in a Foundation Laying Ceremony that was held ON FRIDAY 26TH MAY,
2017 to announce to the world that the period of actual development on the land
towards realizing the dream of Vatsa and that of all Nigerian writers had come.
Actual development eventually took off around
August 2017 with a view to realize the projects as laid out in the MOU between
ANA and KMVL entered into in 2013 to give ANA on a 5 hectare land a national
headquarters complex, a 50 Room Hotel, residency chalets,500-Seater auditorium,
conference centre , E-libraries, ANA State offices complex, archives and
depositories and many other facilities befitting a writers’ resort. Our strategic
plan for 2017-2022, which this administration developed in 2016 with buying- in
from ANA stakeholders has the
development of this land as a priority project and appropriately phased. This
administration also produced a documentary film “Dancing Mask: The ANA Story”
in which the ANA land and its development was given a prominent feature. Also,
another 15 minutes film focusing mainly on the land and its initial
developments of 2017 was shot and with the main documentary were hosted on ANA
website www.ana-nigeria .com for public viewing. In order to keep an eye on progress made on the
land and fast track possible developments, the National Executive Council from
the donations of N1.5m received at the foundation laying ceremony in May, 2017 from some friends of ANA who attended the
event, gave out the sum to the developer for the building of a temporary national secretariat for the
Association to enable us move the national headquarter from Lagos to Abuja. The
National Secretariat of ANA was effectively moved in March, 2018 from the
National Theatre Complex Iganmu, Lagos to the building in which we are having
this press conference today. In the course of all these and in the last four
years, the ANA Land committee has met at various times with the developer, alongside the monitoring
system regularly and religiously carried
out and have copiously reported with the national executive council about
developments on the land to the congress of the Association at ANA Conventions
AGM. These reports have been made with a view at all time in keeping the
congress up to date on the developments on the land and getting further
necessary mandates for the pushing of the way forward on the land.
It was the dream of
this present National Executive Council of ANA initially to complete this
project in its entirety, at least the first phase or commission some structures
into full functionality. It was a commissioning ceremony we had thought we
would do before we quit office in November,2019. Based on this and in agreement
with the developer, we set out well thought-out developmental timelines in
black and white, which the vagaries of climate, Abuja land development
bureaucracy, engineering hitches and general harsh economic environment have
made impossible to meet. However, our unwavering commitment to see this
development to its end has taken us this far which we have deemed necessary to showcase to the ANA public and to
our friends in the media.
This ANA land matter
since the inception of its being given in 1985 up till this moment has been a
subject of myth-making, mindless and unfounded accusations, mostly against its
minders in the successive national executive councils over the years. This wild
tale in broad daylight has been taken to the dizzying height of arrant
falsehood in the devil-may-care political maneuvering of some persons as they
battle others in the build –up to attain power in ANA at the forthcoming
elections in the Association in November,2019. May I reiterate here that the
Denja Abdullahi-led National Executive Council of ANA has kept a verifiable
trail of all its activities on this land since the first day it took office and
has executed its mandate as given by the ANA congress to the best interest of
this Association in this ANA land matter and all other matters.
I will at this juncture
salute and appreciate the efforts of successive leaderships of this Association
who have kept this dream alive in the peculiar ways that the extenuating
circumstances have allowed them. I salute our members for their unending
vigilance on this matter of ‘ANA LAND IN ABUJA,” an ever fixed item in our
agenda at our annual convention since 1985. I particularly single out for
commendation the successive team of ANA Legal Advisers over the years and other
professionals within the Association who have rendered valuable services
pro-bono, just to ensure we do not lose the land. However, no one, not even
this National Executive Council, during whose time , one block was actually
laid over the other, can arrogate to itself the success that may have been made
on the land today. The struggle since 1985 has been a collective one and so
should it remain if we are to one day gather here soon to commission in a grand
manner this on-going project and move into the next phase of an Association
with properties that will generate the much needed income to power literary
developments in our land.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
we have stepped into the fringes of the promised land but we are not on sure footing yet. The
incoming executive after us needs a lot of work to do to see this project to
the end and will need every support and encouragement from the generality of
ANA members. The Association still needs the Federal and the States
governments, corporate institutions, national and international donor agencies,
individuals and groups to join hands with ANA as it builds a place for
literature and culture in Abuja. The period of being romantic about a land
bequeathed to us by a benevolent poet-soldier is long over; we are in an age
where a hard -nosed business option has to be continually taken to fully build
the land and realize the vision behind the giving.
Thank you for listening.
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